Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Vigil

This is a picture of the crown at the Easter Vigil liturgy at St Peters. It was VERY packed!

Easter Vigil

This is the statue right by where I was standing. Once again, this is before the lighting of the Pascal candle during the Easter Vigil litergy.

Easter Vigil

For the Easter Vigil, St Peter's had all of the lights turned off except the statues in the walls were backlit. It was a very cool effect. This picture does not due justice to actually seeing it in person.

Good Friday

Due to the amount of people at the Good Friday litergy, only the Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and select few Monks and Friers were allowed to kiss the feet of Jesus on the cross for veneration.

Good Friday

When the cross was processed up the aisle for Good Friday, the corpus was covered in red silk. It was very beautiful. During three invocations of prayers, they slowly revealed the corpus of Christ.

Swiss Guards

For all of the Masses at St Peter's, the Swiss Guards stand guard over the ceramonies. I like thier colorful uniforms and thier helmets. These two guys here in the front stood in the EXACT same position for 45 minutes at a time, then from a command through thier earpiece, they would simultaneously change thier posture and stand still for another 45 min. What amazing discipline!

Holy Thursday

I love being in churches in Rome during dusk or dawn because the windows all glow radiant blue. Even with all of the lights on in St Peter's (and believe me there are A LOT of lights in there - enough to make it look like daytime!) the windows still glow bright blue. So I just had to take a picture.

Holy Thursday

This is a picture of the crowd at St Peter's for the Holy Thursday Mass. As you can see it is very packed in the Basilica.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 23

Wednesday Mar 23:
Scott Zaczkowski
Stacey Zens
David Zimmerman Family
Dan Zimmerman Family
My Family

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.