Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Prayer Intentions for Mar 22

Tuesday Mar 22:
Katie Warner
Wolf Family
Matt Willkom
Renee Willkom
Willkom Family

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

At Santa Prisca there was a really cool picture of the crucifixion with a real cross mounted in front of the painting.

On Tuesday I went to the Lenten station church Santa Prisca. This church is dedicated to St Prisca, 1st century martyr.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 21

Monday Mar 21:
Nick VanHeel
Steve Villa
Janet Vogel
Volp Family
Wallace Family
All my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Abby Theater

The Irish music was playing at the Abby Theater, so Theresa decided to show us a little Irish dancing.

Abby Theater

After eating dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, we finished off the night by going to the Abby Theater. It is a great little Irish pub. We met up with Alex, his brother Nick, and Lisa. Andy and Chris were there as well, but do not make an appearance in this photo.

Hard Rock Cafe

Later on Saturday, a bunch of us went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Rome to get some American food. The food was good, but the service was very Roman. I sat at a table with Libby, Meg, Theresa, and Jackie.

Santa Croce

After visiting the Holy Steps, we went to Santa Croce (Holy Cross) to see the relics of the cruxificion. In this church there are the relics of: One of the spikes that held Christ's hand on the cross, Four pieces of the Cross, One of the Thorns from Christ's crown of thorns, the incorrupt finger of St Thomas who put his finger into Christ's side and hands in order to believe, a piece of the plaque that was nailed to the cross above Christ's head proclaiming him King of the Jews, as well as other relics.

Santa Scala

This is one of the great statues in Santa Scala. This is Christ with Pilate as they stood at the top of the stairs. It is traditional to go up the stairs on your knees, stopping on each stair to say a prayer. The stairs are covered in wood, but there are slots cut into the wood that reveal spots of blood that are believed to belong to Christ.

Santa Scala

After we visited San Giovanni in Laterno, we went across the street to Santa Scala (The Holy Stairs). This is a picture of the stairs. These stairs were the stairs that Christ climbed in Jerusalem while on trial with Pontious Pilate and the Jewish Sanhedrin. The stairs were brought to Rome a few centuries ago.

San Giovanni in Laterno

On Saturday I went on a walk with some of the people with me in Rome. We went to San Giovanni in Laterno and ate some Gelato.

Jill's going away party

Friday evening I went to the going away party for Jill (on the far right). She is leaving us in Rome to discern a relious order in California. I know here and Elli (on the left) from Minnesota. It was a great party with great people.

Vatican Cupola

This is another wonderful view from the cupola on the top of the Vatican dome.

Vatican Cupola

In this picture from the cupola, you can see the wonderful Vatican Gardens where the Pope likes to relax and pray.

Vatican Cupola

Once I was up in the cupola, this is the first view that greeted me. This is a view of St Peters Piazza and the river.

Vatican Cupola

On my way up to the cupola, I stopped at the railing inside the dome. In this picture you can see the railing right below the windows and above the gold writing.

Vatican Cupola

Still on the Roof before going up to the cupola, I took a picture of the statues that are on the top of the Vatican facade. You can see the statues a couple of photos ago at the top.

Vatican Cupola

In this picture I am standing on the top of the roof of the Vatican looking at the main dome. You can see the cupola better in this picture. It is just possible to make out the railing at the bottom of the samll dome at the bottom of the pillars.

Vatican Cupola

On Friday, I went up to the cupola of the Vatican. The cupola is the cylinder between the top of the dome and the cross. You can see it here at the top of the picture. If you look at the dome in this photo, you can see the little pillars and then a smaller dome with a sphere and the cross on top. I stood at the bottom of the pillars.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 20

Palm Sunday Mar 20:
Jessica Turner
Lisa Tushaus
Tushaus Family
Utech Family
Jeffery VanSteel
Vance Family

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Palm Sunday

Here you can see the Presider incensing the cross. At the end of Mass, the Holy Father Pope John Paul II made an appearance from his apartment window and gave the assemby a Papel Blessing.

Palm Sunday

The procession from the Blessing of the Palms to the Alter was quite a sight to see. First were a whole bunch of lay people and religious, then all of the Priests wearing white, then all of the Bishops in maroon, than all of the Cardinals in Red, followed by the Presiding Bishop in Red with a white Miter.

Palm Sunday

This picture is of the blessing of the palms. You can see the incense to the right of the priests. I was too far away to get any up-close pictures, but you can get the idea from this picture.

Palm Sunday

On Sunday I went to La Santa Messa della Domenica delle Palme (Palm Sunday Mass) at St Peter's Basillica at the Vatican. It was an incredible mass. The piazza was packed full, as shown in this picture. It was a gorgeous day with perfect weather for an outdoor mass.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 19

Saturday Mar 19:
Stoudt Family
Bret Sutton
Nathan Sward
Thooft Family
Tressell Family

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 18

Friday Mar 18:
Michael Serrate
Smith Family
Amy Sondag (Sunny)
Sorteberg Family
Jocelyn Starkey
Rose Seesz (Grandma)

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 17

Thursday Mar 17:
Jon Schaffhausen
Schleeter Family
Schmidt Family
Schmitzer Family
Sam Schoenfelder
Jon Schoenfelder

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 16

Wednesday Mar 16:
Roby Family
Patricia Rose
Rowan Family
Clair Roufs
Emily Salem
Pita Sanchez

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

On Wednesday I went to the Lenten station church of San Marcello al Corso. This church is dedicated to Pope St Marcellus, martyr.

Prayer Intentions for Mar 15

Tuesday Mar 15:
Sarah Quense
Reyes Family
Richards Family
Rinaldi Family
Robbins Family

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

On Tuesday the 15th I went to the Lenten station church of Santa Maria in Via Lata. This church is dedicated to the Blessed Vitgin Mary.