Saturday, March 05, 2005

Parco di Traiano

This is one of the great views from Parco di Traiano. This park is on the Equiline Hill, so it has a great view.

Parco di Traiano

This is a picture of the coloseum from Parco di Traiano. As you can see, the park if not so far from the Coloseum.

Parco di Traiano

I have found my newest favorite place in Rome: Parco di Traiano (Trajan's park). It is quiet, serene, and has lots of cool ruins. I like to go there and walk around, pray, and meditate. I will probably spend a fair amount of time there before I leave.


This is a picture of the view from the Coloseum. You can see the Roman Forum to the left and other great ruins (I forgot thier names) in the middle and right.


I was walking around Rome on Sunday, and decided to stop by one of my favorite places, the Coloseum. So I decided to take a couple of shots for all of you back home.


I was walking around Rome on Sunday, and decided to stop by one of my favorite places, the Coloseum. So I decided to take a couple of shots for all of you back home.

Roman Forum

The Forum in the morning, picture 3

Roman Forum

The Forum in the morning, picture 2

Roman Forum

The forum in the morning. Picture 1

Roman Forum

On my way back from the station mass Thursday morning, I had the opportunity to get a couple of great pictures. Ahh, Rome!

Museum of the history of Rome

The statue of the wolf that suckled Romulus and Ramus. Isn't she so cute? I want a pet wolf now...

Museum of the history of Rome

This is a picture of a model of Imperial Rome. You can see that Rome has expanded and is now a metropolis. It was the biggest city of its kind for a very long time (until the last few hundred years).

Museum of the history of Rome

This is a picture of a model of the ancient city of Rome. I went on a tour to the Museum of the history of Rome. The picture turned out bad, but you can get the gist of Rome from back in the day.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Friends at the Druids Den

I was at the pub with:
Mary, Theresa, Tim, Anna, Jackie, Meg, Greg, and Andy.

Mmmm, Guiness!

While we were there, we had to indulge in a tradition Irish drink (aka. liquid bread). There are enough carbs in a Guiness to feed a horse for a week!

The Druids Den

On Monday I went to an Irish pub called "The Druids Den". It's a strange name, but it was a pretty cool place. They were having an 'Open Playing' evening, so there was a bunch of Irishmen (and not-so-Irish men) playing live music the whole time. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Prayer Intentions for Mar 1

Tuesday Mar 1:
Joan Harrington
Heintzman Family
John Henderson
Herbert Family
Fr. Jeff Huard

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Today I went to the Lenten station church of Santa Pudenziana. This church is dedicated to St Pudentiana a Roman martyr. It is also the national church of the Philippines.

Prayer Intentions for Feb 28

Monday Feb 28:
Ihab Haddadin
Kevin Hadsall
Hagen Family
Hall Family
Suzanne Hamant

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.
Yesterday (Monday), I went to the Lenten station church of San Marco. I don't have a picture for you becuase pictures were not allowed in that church.
The basilica is dedicated to St Mark the Evangelist, patron saint of the Venetian republic.

Prayer Intentions for Feb 27

Sunday Feb 27:
Dr. Grant
Groppel Family
Gross Family
Grundhoefer Family
Kate Guimerias

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Prayer Intentions for Feb 26

Saturday Feb 26:
Suzanne Friedhoff
Becky Frost
Mary Gibson
Gjengdahl Family
Elizabeth Gonzolas

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Last Weekend (weekend of Feb 26,27)

Last weekend on Feb 26th, I was in Ravenna, Italy. This was a great city. I will tell you more about it later, as well as post some pictures.

Because I was not in Rome, I was unable to attend the station masses for the weekend.
The Lenten station church for Saturday was Santi Marcellino e Pietro.
The Lenten church for Sunday was San Lorenzo fuori le Mura.


Prayer Intentions for Feb 25

Friday, Feb 25:
Fjelsted Family
John Flanagan Family
Keith Flanagan
Frank Family
Sara Freund

May the Lord bless all of you this Lent. Amen.

Last Friday I went to the Lenten station church of San Vitale.This church is dedicated to St Vitalis, his wife St Valeria and his sons Sts Gervase and Protase, martyrs.